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#001 - Negative Space
Three Hundred Prototypes



A prototype of [#001 - Negative Space]. Move Black Player and White Player to their respective goals.

Black Player moves with 'A' and 'D' keys.

White Player moves with 'J' and 'L' keys.

There are four levels which you can select using the '1', '2', '3', or '4' keys.

 Editing Mode:

Want to try and make your own levels? Hit the 'X' key to toggle on editing mode. You can click any tile and it will alternate between white -> black -> gray.

'P' will print the level data (sans objects) to the text area below the screen. Due to the way levels are saved (see below), if any players or flags are at a half-step, they will not be printed. Boxes are not printed at all, because I'm lazy. They can be added manually to the ASCII output with 'B' for black boxes and 'W' for white boxes.

Clicking with the metaKey (alt/command key) pressed will place a BLACK object where you click. Hold meta and shift and a WHITE object will be placed. Press 'Z' to cycle through the objects (players -> boxes -> flags).

Clicking while holding ONLY shift will delete any box you click on.

 Technical Notes:

This is a relatively simple platform engine that operates at like 5 frames per second. All movement is done in chunks. Really, the only secret here is that you need to know what color player/box is querying each cell, and what the results mean. For instance, a black player can move into a white cell, but a white player can not.

This prototype was created entirely in a single day, and as such, was written with reckless disregard for "the right way of doing things". I'd write a function for black to move right, then copy and paste it for white to move right. Then copy and paste again for black and white to move left. There's a lot of redundant functions. But the goal of Three Hundred Prototypes is to make prototypes as quick as possible (better a finished piece of crap than an unstarted masterpiece), so don't judge my code.

The levels are saved as ASCII strings, but the levels themselves use rectangular tiles that are half an ASCII tile. Why did I do this? Because I didn't plan ahead. It worked well initially when I was designing the levels by hand - but once I created edit mode, I discovered that this approach does not work well with an objects that exist at the half-step. Basically, no objects, players, or flags may begin at a half-step.

Pretty much all edit functionality was an afterthought of an afterthought, which is why it is so unpleasant to use. It's fun to just hammer at something until it works, but the abominations it will create... Anyway, my point is mainly that this code may be okay to learn from, but never, ever use anything even remotely like this crap for anything you plan on releasing. Who knows how many bugs lurk beyond the edges of the map?

 Public Domain Files:



Copyright 2013-2017 Sean Howard. All rights reserved.